Get the best jobs with our global clients.

Work with our Clients

iPlace fills jobs for global companies with talented professionals who already reside in our clients’ local markets. iPlace does NOT bring people from India to work in the US or other countries where our clients are located. We are constantly looking for the best candidates in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia with expertise in the verticals below. If you have the right skills, please submit your profile.

  • Information Technology

  • Engineering

  • Clinical and Non-Clinical Healthcare

  • Pharmaceutical and Bioengineering

  • Finance and Accounting

  • Marketing and Creative

  • Sales

  • Human Resources

Looking for Jobs with iPlace’s Global Clients?

Hiring Forecast for In-house Recruiters
How many in-house recruiters do you plan to hire?
What is the average annual salary (before commissions) that you expect to pay the recruiters?
How many placements per recruiter do you expect in the second month after hiring the recruiters?
What percentage of the placements are expected to be for contract positions?
What percentage of the placements are expected to be for direct hire positions?
What is the average hourly bill rate you expect for the contract placements?
What is the average hourly pay rate you expect for the contract placements?
What is the average contract duration (in months) you expect on the contract placements?
What is the average placement fee you expect on the direct hire placements?

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