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Recently, I read about the Right to Disconnect Act that Australia passed. This is in line with similar regulations in France and Spain.
This is definitely a much-needed legislation that ensures workers are able to completely shut off from work after their working hours, viewed as greatly needed to avert burnout and ensure all-round wellness.
However, the law has drawn criticism from some employer groups, terming it as flawed. Why do you think that is?
Don’t get me wrong—I’m all for the Right to Disconnect Act. What it does in terms of work-life balance and bringing satisfaction back into the job is very valuable.
From a practical point of view, however, as businesses cutting across different time zones, there can be a few challenges:
Continued Operations: The business has to be able to function seamlessly across time zones without violating the employees’ right to disconnect. In my view, it could turn out to be particularly problematic where in-house teams have to provide cover in non-standard hours.
Balancing Work-Life Boundaries: Organizations are expected to manage their operational requirements without prolonging a long working hour on in-house personnel, which may adversely affect their work-life balance.
Managing Global Teams: Aligning the working time of teams across time zones without overloading any employee, yet ensuring productivity, turns out to be a strategy within a strategy for businesses.
Let’s say, some US-based company needs candidates for a new role in software development. Our sourcers in India go through the description carefully, identify probable candidates, screen them, and so on. By the time the client’s day begins in the US, their recruiters and hiring managers already have a list of pre-qualified candidates sitting in their inbox, ready to initiate the next steps in recruitment. I think this setup not only smoothens the recruitment process but also makes sure that the clients continue to receive support around the clock without stretching their own work hours. This approach exemplifies the efficiency that can be derived from offshore hiring solutions.
Access to a wider talent pool: Offshore recruiting allows for the opening of doors to different talents unavailable in the home area. Via this offshore hiring, organizations have the capacity to tap some skilled professionals from any part of the world, further empowering them to get the right kind of talent.
Greater Efficiency: Offshore recruitment teams can make the recruitment process easier by taking responsibility for tasks like candidate screening, initial interviews, and skills assessment, leaving in-house teams to focus on more strategic issues. This will increase overall efficiency and reduce time-to-fill for key positions.
Cost Savings: Most of the time, offshore recruitment reduces recruitment and training costs. When some of the functions of recruitment are outsourced to an offshore team, lower labor costs for the company are realized while the quality of recruitment is nevertheless maintained.
Razor Sharp Focus on Core Activities: The routine and administrative tasks in recruitment that an in-house HR team is involved in can now afford attention to more strategic activities like talent development and employee engagement, with offshore RPO solutions handling them.
Flexibility and scalability: Offshore recruitment services can be scaled up or down with equal ease, taking only a very short time to ramp up or down, thus providing flexibility while a company is growing or when the demand for recruitment cycles fluctuates. The ability to scale is an important factor in keeping operational efficiency smooth, holding business growth, and helping in expansion.
Clear Communication Channels: Ensure that communication flows fluently between in-house and offshore teams so that goals and expectations align.
Clearly Defined Roles and Responsibilities: The roles and responsibilities for the offshore teams should be defined clearly so that no overlaps occur, which can ensure smooth functioning.
Regular Updates and Coordination: Regular updates and coordination should take place from both teams so that everything aligns properly, quickly solving any issues.
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