How to Meet Hiring Goals While Also Meeting Diversity Goals

How to Meet Hiring Goals While Also Meeting Diversity Goals

How to Meet Hiring Goals While Also Meeting Diversity Goals

It can be extremely challenging to meet your company’s hiring goals while also meeting your diversity goals. To create a hiring process that fulfills both your diversity and inclusion (D&I) goals and your team-building goals, focus on the following roles:

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

It’s essential to ensure that your approach to hiring complies with applicable laws, including those that cover discrimination in hiring. For example, focusing solely on “culture fit” may result in hires that don’t reflect the values expressed in your D&I goals.


By understanding your team’s legal and regulatory boundaries, you can more effectively tackle bias and build a hiring process that enhances diversity and essential skills.


Is your hiring platform replicating old, hidden biases in your hiring process? Unfortunately, older software often does, as it can only work with the data it was given in the past.


To address biases that may be lurking in your software, include a tech-savvy member on your hiring teams. Your technology expert should understand how your applicant tracking system and other tools work and their criteria to highlight or dismiss specific resumes. This person can also be responsible for spotting and addressing bias in hiring tools.

Employee Liaison

The most effective hiring processes are built on inclusive company cultures. Consequently, an important role for your hiring team is employee liaison or someone who fosters inclusion among existing team members.


An employee liaison may reach out to employees to gauge their sense of inclusion and respect within the organization. This person may also look at ways to make the workplace more inclusive, either through reorganizing the use of space, re-examining discrimination policies, or other means. The right person for this role will often be working on diversity and inclusion issues within the organization or in the hiring process.

Outsider Perspective

Finally, including someone on your team with experience improving diversity and inclusion in hiring can help you meet both hiring and diversity goals. This person can add valuable perspective from their position outside your organization, offering insights that may not be clear to your existing team. We can fill this role by specializing in diversity in hiring.

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Hiring Forecast for In-house Recruiters
How many in-house recruiters do you plan to hire?
What is the average annual salary (before commissions) that you expect to pay the recruiters?
How many placements per recruiter do you expect in the second month after hiring the recruiters?
What percentage of the placements are expected to be for contract positions?
What percentage of the placements are expected to be for direct hire positions?
What is the average hourly bill rate you expect for the contract placements?
What is the average hourly pay rate you expect for the contract placements?
What is the average contract duration (in months) you expect on the contract placements?
What is the average placement fee you expect on the direct hire placements?

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